Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Finally...My Husband :P

It has been months since I blogged about life here in my neck of the woods.

My husband finally made it home from deployment and after a short stay in Virginia, he is home in Arkansas with us.  All the children were filled with delight to have daddy home, including those spoiled rotten babies of mine.  (lillian 9 1/2 months now, Hailey 22 months)  They had both taken to their daddy in no time, thanks so much to the wonderful world of Skype, the children were always able to keep in touch.

Since my last post alot has happened.  Of course for those who don't know us yet, my husband has been in the Navy for 10 years and during this last deployment, we had to accept a change we never seen coming.  They no longer have a job in the Navy for my husband so we are civilian life bound.  He is on terminal leave and will be honerably discharged at the first of June.

This has forced me to become ever so frugal.  Well, only have the purchase of a new pontoon.  New to us that is, we still sunk a pretty penny into it.  Now I spend my days searching for freebies, ad matches, online money making opportunities, clipping coupons, and ocassionally cleaning the house, tehe!

At the moment we don't have the luxery of wic or any of those nice little programs to help push us along and I am hoping assetts don't keep us from qualifying in the future.  I have cut back on every corner I can imagine, probably the biggest blow is to my clothing shopping addiction for my kids!  Oh, how I miss the days I dressed each of my kids for success daily.  Now days I cringe at half the outfits they put on, but I suppose they are fortunate enough to have nice clean clothing, even if those labels are not the ones I prefer!

It has been so wonderful having my husband home.  Oh yes, to have him here to help do manly things is such a joy!  Of course also those nightime bottles and diaper changings.  I missed him for those dearly!  He is one awesome man to share those responsibilites with me :P

I am dissapointed in myself a bit because as I have sank down into this funk and become the not so good housekeeper I once was.  Laundry is piled up,a  mountain of it on our loveseat (estimate 10 loads) waiting to be put up and another mountain (estimate 4 large loads)in front of the washer waiting to be washed.  I will finish today, however, tonight there will be three more loads awaiting me :I  Next mission, learn how to make my own detergent!  Bleh...

The kitchen does not get cleaned right after dinner anymore, and I am trying to figure out why not.  Oh, well of course because I dont do it and have become ever so slack on the childrens chores.  This time of year the events just pile up.  We are busy with our own kids Birthdays as well as attending others, spring cleaning (of the garage and outside), school activities and field trips, spring festivals, the list just goes on and on.  I am not sure slowing down will occur...in the next 20 years...

I absolutely love my life and would not change it for the world.  My husband and I are trying to decide if we want to build the house of our dreams or perhaps get a "modular" home.  Although ages ago we both swore off ever living in one, I find ourselves looking deeper and deeper into a cash discount (payinig out of pocket cash and not having a monthly mortgage)for the extra cash in our pocket.  Saying this, we already own one house which we carry a full mortgage on and, two mortgages sounds very scary when noone has a job!

That is the huge stresser in life right now.  Aside from the messy house and honery kids.  I have hardly worked out of the home and I am not prepared to leave my beautiful little blessings in the care of someone else.  My husband is learning "finding a job", veteran or not in this economy, ha...is not quiet as easy as he had imagined.

Well, that is all the updates I have for now.  Life is good, looking foward to spending the summer on the lake, if we can afford gas prices.  Perhaps my blog will bring a little income my way :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Updates...Over a year later...6 kids...deployment...and goodbyes...

Wow, how life has changed. Going from 5 kids to 6 has been quiet an adjustment. Having two babies in the house is definatly trying at times, especially when you consider for the most part I am doing it alone because my husband has been deployed the past 10 months.

Okay, so our newest addition is 5 months old, her name is Lillian, her eyes are grayish, she is one of six joys in our life right now, nearly sitting up on her own, grabbinig her toys and just as delightful as can be. Hailey is 17 months, shes absolutely amazing. She is so intelligent, a very happy, busy little girl. Avagale is 5 now, I think she has it in for us. She is definatly the most spunky of our 6 kids. She keeps me on my toes more than the 17 month old. Then we have Emily, age 7 who just got her first pair of glasses, she is a absolute beauty with them on. Darik, age 8, nothing is ever fair, he tattle tales ALOT, he is the most affectionate in the house though, always giving hugs. Nicholus, age 9 now, he is my big boy, the big brother of the house. He can have an ugly attitude at times, and say very hateful things...this is where my parenting mistakes over the years show.

So...on with the updates...my husband comes home next month, unkown date, and he isnt even flying into the area we live in :(...I cannot believe it but we are saying goodbye to the military after nearly 10 years of loyal service. Thank you so much PTS (Perform to Serve)...a-holes if you ask me...send my husband overseas for 10 months to tell him he has no choice but to seperate from the service, yep, tyvm...

I will try and put more updates on here...Life is busy to say the least...

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Little Bit About Us/Our First Blog

Our First Blog

First I want to say thank you for taking an interest in our family. The purpose of this blog is to keep friends/family and anyone who is ineterested to keep up with the ups and downs of our life.
My name is Jackie and I have been married to my wonderful husband for a little over 8 years. We have 5 children and are expecting another next summer.
Our oldest two children are boys, ages 8 and 7. Then the three youngest are girls, 6 and 4 years, a 4 month old, and we are expecting our 6th! You heard me right!
My husband is the main bread winner. He is in the United States Navy. Then I earn extra income doing childcare from home.

We send our children to public schools, we feel like learning to socialize and knowing what goes on in the real world is important. We do not see any point in sheltering our children from outside influences because one day they are going to have to be exposed to the world around them.

Our girls particpate in recreational-non competitive Gymnastics and Cheerleading, and the boys play recreational Basketball, Football, and Soccer, as they choose. We do not force these activities upon our children. it is simply their choice to participate or not. However we constantly encourage the children to be active! The children also participate in Scouts and other acitvities throughout the year.
We have values and beliefs, although not neccesarily religion based. We feel our children should be brought up a certain way, a marriage should function a certain way, a family should all work together a certain way. If that makes any sense.

The oldest 3 children have assigned chores. They assist with kitchen meal prep and cleanup, they vaccume and sweep, they assist with laundry, they clean bathrooms, they sweep the porches, feed the dog, and of course they must clean their rooms daily and oganize toys every few weeks. Chores come with rewards, $1/day/child when chores are completed in a timely manner.

Telivision is limited in the house, each child has a computer with internet access, the boys have tvs(with no cable)in their rooms, as well as a game system each, and the two boys have cellular phones(they are the oldest) for keeping in contact with mom and dad when away from home.
I let my kids listen to pretty much anything, as long as its not totally obscene. They are sheltered and can only watch childrens shows unless we approve pg or adult rated movies, of course they may watch documentaries, educational shows, and the news/weather if they choose.

Our form of punishment usually comes with timeouts, as well as writing sentences and taking privlages away. Most of the time either of these three methods is pretty effective.

Every weekend we take the children out for a family activity. We visit local museums, zoos, aquariums, parks, exhibits, concerts, movies, public performances and what have you.